Happily Married Life - Wisdom

Happily Married Life

Duties of Wife

1. Duties- The woman who engages in the service of her husband, following strictly in the footsteps of the goddess of fortune, surely returns home, back to Godhead, with her devotee husband, and lives very happily in the Vaikuṇṭha planets.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.11.29 (Conversation Between Narada Muni & Yudhisthira)

2. Duties- If a woman is chaste, she goes wherever her Vaishnava Husband goes, and she goes nearby the Lord in Vaikuntha.

Ref- Brahma-Vaivarta Purana - Ganapati Khanda, Chapter 28, Verse 16 (Conversation Between Lord Narayana & Narada Muni)

3. Duties- A chaste woman, who is always busy performing the activities in the interest of her husband, would deliver a hundred generations from her paternal side as well as her husband's side.

Ref- Padma Purana - Srsti Khanda, Chapter 50, Verse 50 (Conversation Between Lord Vishnu & a Brahmana)

4. Duties- Wherever the feet of a chaste woman touches, the land becomes the remover of sins and supremely pure.

Ref- Siva Purana, Chapter 54, Verse 61 (Conversation Between the wife of a Brahmana & Giriraja Kumari)

5. Duties- Freedom for the woman is not appropriate. She should never violate the words of her husband. The women attain the abode of Lord Vishnu by her chastity and service to her husband. This kind of destiny is never achieved by other pious activites.

Ref- Skanda Purana, Vaisnava Khanda, Chapter 26, Verse 83 (Conversation Between Suta Gosvami & Saunaka Rsi)

6. Duties- Drinking Liquor, the association of wicked ones, living away from husband, roaming independently, taking more sleep, living in another's house - are the six things which pollute a woman.

Ref- Skanda Purana, Kasi Khanda, Chapter 40, Verse 89 (Conversation Between Karttikeya & Kumbhaja Rsi)

7. Duties- A woman who abuses her mother-in-law and father-in-law and always does strife (quarrels) will become a leech. And a woman who is condemner to her husband or who admonishes or chides her husband will become a Louse.

Ref- Garuda Purana, Uttara Khanda, Chapter 5, Verse 26 (Conversation Between Lord Vishnu & Garuda)

8. Duties- A woman, who instead of serving her husband, says harsh words to her husband, falls in the hell named Kalasutra and remains there till the presence of the sun and the moon. There the insects as big as the snakes bite her, day and night, creating frightening sounds always.

Ref- Brahma-Vaivarta Purana - Sri Krishna Janma Khanda, Chapter 17, Verse 74 (Conversation Between Lord Narayana & Narada Muni)

9. Duties- If the husband is lost, or the husband gets died, or the husband becomes impotent, or the husband becomes a sannyasi (mendicant), or the husband is fallen down - in these five kinds of misfortune, there is the law of the woman's second husband.

Ref- Visnu Dharmottara Purana, Part 3, Chapter 329, Verse 14 (Conversation Between Markandeya Rsi & King Vajra)

10. Duties- A woman should remain always Happy and smiling and be an expert in doing household works. She should be an expert in the knowledge of all the paraphernalia and be frugal (economical) in spending money.

Ref- Visnu Dharmottara Purana, Part 2, Chapter 34, Verse 5 (Conversation Between Markandeya Rsi & King Vajra)

11. Duties- Mother Laksmi rejects (abandons) those women who do not keep the household utensils neatly and scatter them here and there, do not perform her duties intentionally, always speak against her husband, take interest in going to the house of others, or leave bashfulness completely.

Ref- Mahabharata, Anu Parva, Chapter 11, Verse 11 & 12

12. Duties- For Disloyalty to her husband, a woman is condemned in this world and after the death, she is born in the womb of a jackel and tormented by diseases, as the punishment of her sin.

Ref- Manu Smrti, Chapter 9, Verse 30

13. Duties- A wife's duty is to follow the husband cent percent. And Gandhari was so true to her husband that she followed him even in his perpetual blindness.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.9.48 (Purport)

14. Duties- It is the duty of the wife to take charge of household affairs and not to compete with the husband. A wife is meant to help, but she cannot help her husband unless he is completely equal to her in age, character and quality.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.22.11 (Purport)

15. Duties- But even if the husband is not a great devotee like Kardama Muni, it is the wife's duty to adapt herself according to his mentality.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.23.4 (Purport)

16. Duties- It is the duty of a faithful and chaste wife to help her husband in every respect, especially when the husband is engaged in Krsna consciousness. In this case, the husband also amply rewarded the wife.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.23.6 (Purport)

17. Duties- It is the duty of the wife to dress herself up very nicely so that when her husband returns home he becomes attracted by her dress and cleanliness and thus becomes satisfied. In other words, the wife is the inspiration of all good intelligence.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 4.27.2 (Purport)

18. Duties- The husband's duty is to give the wife all protection, even from the material maya, and the wife's duty is to see to the personal comforts of the husband.

Ref- Letter By Srila Prabhupada to Gaurasundara -- Los Angeles 16 January, 1969

19. Duties- Wife's duty is not to disturb the husband. That is Vedic principle.

Ref- Letter By Srila Prahupada to Tamala Krsna -- Bombay 20 December, 1976

20. Duties- You have taken to Krishna Consciousness wholeheartedly and I am so pleased to hear how enthusiastic you are for serving the Spiritual Master and for serving your husband also. That is your duty. You are your husband's better half and as such it is your duty to assist him in every way possible so that he can nicely execute Krishna Consciousness.

Ref- Letter to Tilaka (Evalyn) written from Los Angeles.

21. Duties- So what is their business? Their business is: Pārvatī is perpetually asking her husband about spiritual matters, everything, and the husband is replying. That is the duty of husband, and that is also the duty of wife. Wife should get enlightenment from the husband, and she should give service. The husband is well situated; she is not discomforted, always looking to the comfort of the husband.

Ref- 760517 - Lecture about Mayavada Philosophy - Honolulu

22. Duties- A chaste and faithful woman must not practice adultery—that is a greatly sinful act.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.23.3 (Purport)

23. Duties- A woman's duty is to be very chaste and faithful to her husband. Then without separate endeavor she will share in all the profit the husband earns.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.6.1 (Purport)

24. Duties- Nārada Muni also described that the symptom of a brāhmaṇa is controlled senses, the symptoms of a kṣatriya are power and fame, the symptom of a vaiśya is service to the brāhmaṇas and kṣatriyas, and the symptom of a śūdra is service to the three higher classes. The qualification for a woman is to be a very faithful and chaste wife.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.11 (Summary)

25. Duties- Although Cyavana Muni was not young but indeed old enough to be Sukanyā's grandfather and was also very irritable, Sukanyā, the beautiful young daughter of a king, submitted herself to her old husband and tried to please him in all respects. Thus she was a faithful and chaste wife.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 9.3.10 (Purport)

26. Duties- According to Vedic culture, a woman must accept the husband given to her by her parents and remain chaste and faithful to him.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 9.3.20 (Purport)

27. Duties- By staying chaste and faithful to her husband, a woman enriches herself with supernatural power.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 9.10.27 (Purport)

28. Duties- Mother Sītā was very submissive, faithful, shy and chaste, always understanding the attitude of her husband. Thus by her character and her love and service she completely attracted the mind of the Lord.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 9.10.55 (Translation)

29. Duties- In the material world, unless women are trained to be chaste and faithful to their husbands, there cannot be peace or prosperity in society.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 9.14.37 (Purport)

30. Duties- A woman becomes beautiful by her chastity and faithfulness to her husband, and an ugly person becomes beautiful when he becomes a learned scholar.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 9.15.40 (Purport)

31. Duties- A wife is always trained to be chaste and faithful to her husband, for this helps her achieve deliverance from any abominable material condition.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 9.20.22 (Purport)

32. Duties- Not only should a woman be faithful and chaste to her husband, but she should also be affectionate to the friends of her husband, obedient to the father and mother of her husband, and affectionate to the younger brothers of her husband.

Ref- Krishna Book (29th Chapter)

33. Duties- If the husband is nice and the woman follows, woman becomes faithful and chaste to the husband, then their both life becomes successful.

Ref- Lecture on SB 1.3.17 - Los Angeles, September 22, 1972

34. Duties- If you train woman from the very beginning how to become chaste and faithful to the husband, they can become a very good mother, very good asset in the family.

Ref- Lecture on SB 1.7.41-42 -- Vrndavana, October 2, 1976

35. Duties- There are many good qualities in Mahābhārata about Gāndhārī. Therefore she is described here as tapasvinī. Tapasvinī. Very chaste faithful wife. Ideal wife. Gāndhārī.

Ref- Lecture on SB 1.9.48 -- Mayapura, June 14, 1973

36. Duties- If the husband is first class and the wife is chaste and faithful, then the home is heaven. This is the formula.

Ref- Lecture on SB 6.1.31 -- San Francisco, July 16, 1975

Duties of Husband

1. Duties- Husband-wife means he must accept responsibility for her his life-long, it is not such light matter we can reject and do as we like, no.

Ref- Letter by Srila Prabhupada to Upendra-- Bombay 13 December, 1972

2. Duties- Marriage between husband and wife means that the husband must forever be responsible for the wife's well-being and protection in all cases. That does not mean that now there is agreement between us, therefore I am responsible, but as soon as there is some disagreement then I immediately flee the scene and become so-called renounced. Whether your husband likes to take responsibility as your spiritual guide or not, that does not matter. He must do it. It is his duty because he has taken you as his wife. Therefore he must take full responsibility for you the rest of his life.

Ref- Letter by Srila Prabhupada to Sudevi -- Los Angeles 15 September, 1972

3. Duties-In the Vedic conception the wife is considered as dharma-patnī, religious wife. Means wife helps the husband in the matter of his religious life.


4. Duties- One who strictly follows religious principles must not neglect to provide all facilities for the complete protection of his wife. There may be some suffering because of this, but one must nevertheless endure it. That is the duty of a faithful husband.

Ref- Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.19.5 (Purport)

5. Duties- Most obligatory duty of the father, to get the daughter married, and then it is the duty of the husband next.

Ref- Lecture on SB 1.8.51 - Los Angeles, May 13, 1973

6. Duties- For that one Sītā, war was declared against Rāvaṇa, and the whole family dynasty, with kingdom, everything was finished, so this is the duty of the husband.

Ref- Lecture on SB 1.15.50 - Los Angeles, December 27, 1973

7. Duties- It is the duty of the husband to see that his subordinate is being trained up in Kṛṣṇa consciousness in this life.

Ref- Lecture on SB 1.16.10 - Los Angeles, January 7, 1974

8. Duties- It is the duty of the husband to save, give protection to the wife.

Ref- Lecture on SB 3.26.8 - Bombay, December 20, 1974

9. Duties- That is the duty of the husband. Husband must be very responsible to take care of the wife, and wife must be very chaste to serve the husband.

Ref- Morning Walk - June 27, 1975, Los Angeles

10. Duties- The father never exploits the daughter; he gives all protection. That is the duty of the husband also

Ref- Television Interview -- July 9, 1975, Chicago

11. Duties- It is the duty of husband to protect wife in every way from the onslaught of material nature, and he must act always as her spiritual guide by being perfect example of devotee.

Ref- Letter to Mr. Loy - Vrindaban 7 November, 1972

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